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**HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0** * [[home|Home]]\\ * [[why|Why HPL/SQL]]\\ * [[features|Key Features]]\\ * [[start|Get Started]]\\ * [[doc|HPL/SQL Reference]]\\ * [[download|Download]]\\ * [[new|What's New]]\\ * [[about|About]]


====== UNIX_TIMESTAMP Function ====== UNIX_TIMESTAMP function returns the current date and time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00. **Syntax**: <code language="sql"> UNIX_TIMESTAMP() </code> **Return Type:** INT **Example**: Get the current and date and time in seconds: <code language="sql"> UNIX_TIMESTAMP() -- 1446631617 </code> **Compatibility**: Hive. **Version:** HPL/SQL 0.3.17 See also: * [[current-date|CURRENT_DATE]] * [[current-timestamp|CURRENT_TIMESTAMP]] * [[from-unixtime|FROM_UNIXTIME]] * [[now|NOW]] * [[sysdate|SYSDATE]]