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**HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0** * [[home|Home]]\\ * [[why|Why HPL/SQL]]\\ * [[features|Key Features]]\\ * [[start|Get Started]]\\ * [[doc|HPL/SQL Reference]]\\ * [[download|Download]]\\ * [[new|What's New]]\\ * [[about|About]]


====== DECLARE CURSOR Statement - PL/HQL Reference ====== You can use DECLARE CURSOR statement to declare a cursor using a dynamic SQL. **Syntax**: <code language=sql> DECLARE name CURSOR FOR | AS | IS dynamic_sql_string | select_statement; </code> **Parameters:** | **Parameter** | **Type** | **Value** | **Description** | | dynamic_sql_string | VARCHAR | Variable or expression | Dynamic SQL to define the cursor | | select_statement | | | SQL SELECT statement to define the cursor | **Notes:** * //dynamic_sql_string// expression is evaluated at cursor open time, not declare time. **Example 1:** Using a dynamic SQL string: <code language=sql> DECLARE tabname VARCHAR DEFAULT 'db.orders'; DECLARE id INT; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR 'SELECT id FROM ' || tabname; OPEN cur; FETCH cur INTO id; WHILE SQLCODE=0 THEN PRINT id; FETCH cur INTO id; END WHILE; CLOSE cur; </code> **Example 2:** Using a SQL SELECT statement: <code language=sql> DECLARE id INT; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM db.orders; OPEN cur; FETCH cur INTO id; WHILE SQLCODE=0 THEN PRINT id; FETCH cur INTO id; END WHILE; CLOSE cur; </code> **Compatibility:** IBM DB2, MySQL, Teradata. **Version:** PL/HQL 0.01 **See also:** * [[open|OPEN]] * [[fetch|FETCH]] * [[close|CLOSE]] * [[sqlcode|SQLCODE]]