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equal [2015/09/23 20:27]
equal [2015/09/23 20:27] (current)
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 +====== Equality and Comparison Operators - PL/HQL ======
 +You can use equality and comparison operators %%=, ==, <>, !=, <, >, >=, <=%% to determine if one operand is equal, not equal, less or greater than another operand.
 +| = | == | Equal |
 +| <> | != | Not equal |
 +| > || Greater than |
 +| < || Less than |
 +| %%>=%% || Greater than or equal |
 +| %%<=%% || Less than or equal |
 +expr = expr 
 +expr == expr
 +expr <> expr
 +expr != expr
 +expr > expr
 +expr < expr
 +expr >= expr
 +expr <= expr
 +| **Expression** | **Result** | **Result Type** |
 +| 3 = 3 | True | Boolean |
 +| 3 = 1 | False | Boolean |
 +| '​CA'​ = NULL | NULL | Boolean |
 +| 3 == 3 | True | Boolean |
 +| 3 <> 3 | False | Boolean |
 +| 3 != 3 | False | Boolean |
 +| 3 > 1 | True | Boolean |
 +| 3 < 1 | False | Boolean |
 +| 3 %%>=%% 1 | True | Boolean |
 +| 3 %%<=%% 1 | False | Boolean |