====== DECLARE CONDITION Statement - PL/HQL ====== You can use DECLARE CONDITION statement to declare a user-defined condition. Then you can define a handler for this condition using [[declare-handler|DECLARE HANDLER]], and raise the condition using the [[signal|SIGNAL]] statement. **Syntax**: DECLARE condition_name CONDITION; **Example:** Raise a condition if the number of rows is not equal to the specified number: DECLARE cnt INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE wrong_cnt_condition CONDITION; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR wrong_cnt_condition PRINT 'Wrong number of rows'; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM TABLE (VALUES (1,2)); IF cnt <> 1 THEN SIGNAL wrong_cnt_condition; END IF; **Compatibility:** IBM DB2, Teradata and MySQL. **Version**: PL/HQL 0.3.1 **See also:** * [[error-handling|Error Handling]] * [[declare-handler|DECLARE HANDLER]] * [[sqlcode|SQLCODE]] * [[sqlstate|SQLSTATE]] * [[get-diagnostics|GET DIAGNOSTICS]] * [[signal|SIGNAL]] * [[resignal|RESIGNAL]]